
Happily Ever Duo strives to be an online destination for Millennial and Gen-X families, managed by husband and wife duo, Becky & Kevin. We seek to document our perfectly imperfect life in the suburbs just outside Toronto, Canada, navigating day-to-day as new parents after struggling with infertility. We aim to provide transparency and inspiration to our readers across the topics that interest us most: parenting, food, travel, fashion, and house & home.

As a brand strategist and digital marketer by trade, I know and understand the value in building genuine brand partnerships. Let’s work together to incorporate and amplify your brand messaging into our narrative in a genuine and authentic way that goes beyond pretty content creation.

Let’s talk! Please email

Disclosure & Policies

We are often contacted by companies and brands to feature and review their products for our readers, through both paid sponsorships and gifted product. Please note: we will only respond to inquiries that align with our brand and the interest of our readers. Thank you for your interest!