The Fourth Trimester is a real thing… and it’s rough

The Fourth Trimester is the 12-week period immediately after you have had your baby. Not everyone has heard of it, but every mother and their newborn baby will go through it. It’s a time of great physical and emotional change as your baby adjusts to being outside the womb, and you adjust to your new life as a mom. I thought “the fourth trimester” was an interesting tongue-in-cheek type comment, but as it turns out… life with a newborn is hard, really hard.

Mila’s Birth Story

Before I was pregnant I never really understood people sharing their birth stories or taking photos in the birthing room. It seemed like too much information and to be quite frank, a bit gross. Then I got pregnant and I devoured these stories. I stayed up late at night gazing into the cold glow of my phone watching birth video after birth video (and forced my husband to watch with me, too). Having enjoyed, devoured, and experienced so many other’s stories, I feel it’s only fair that I share mine too.

Baby Girl Nursery Tour

When we first moved into our house, we knew exactly which room we would use for our future nursery. As the months and years rolled by, the glaringly empty room was something that hurt to walk by as we were trying to conceive. Becoming pregnant and finally getting to furnish and decorate baby girl’s room was so exciting and I’m so thrilled to share the finished product!